All games are played under the C.H.A. And OMHA rules, with the following additions.
1. The OCHL March Classic Committee will NOT be responsible for accidents, or injuries to players, team officials, or
spectators either before, during or after games.
2. The Tournament Executive reserves the right to address all teams in their respective dressing rooms before games to
emphasize the Tournament Playing rules, Tournament conduct and sportsmanship, and to answer questions regarding
the tournament, provided the are requested in a polite and courteous manner.
3. Each team will supply an approved roster an approved Travel Permit to the Tournament prior
to their first game.
4. Each team must vacate the dressing room within 30 minutes after the game.
5. The cost of any damage to the dressing room or the facility will be billed to the teams association.
6. All teams will be responsible for the storage of their equipment.
7. Any player who receives a Fighting Major will be ineligible to play in any remaining games in the tournament.
8. If both teams have the same color sweaters, the HOME team will change to a non conflicting colour
sweaters will be available to the teams if changes are required.
9. No protests will be allowed and all decisions of the tournament executive will be FINAL.
1. Tournament time schedules are most important and all Round Robin games may be curfewed 50 minutes after
the start of the game.
2. All players and coaching staffs must be in the dressing room 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of each game and
must be prepared to start their game a maximum of 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time
3. Game sheets must be completed, signed and returned to the Tournament Committee Room prior to each game.
4. Late signing, late start or delay in the start of the game may result in disqualification from the tournament.
1. Ice will be flooded at the end of each game
2. All Round Robin games will consist of 3 - 10 minute Stop Time Periods
3. All Semi Final games will consist of 3 - 10 minute Stop Time Periods
4. No overtime in Round Robin and Semi-Final games
5. If a Tie exists in a Semi Final game, the game will proceed to a shoot out
6. All Championship games will consist of 3 - 10 minute Stop Time periods.
7. In the third period of all games, if a differential of 5 goals or more exists, the time clock will becoming running time.
If the goal differential drops to 3 or less, the time clock will revert to Stop Time.
8. Length of penalties in both Stop Time and Running Time will be the same.
9. In the Championship games only, each team will be allowed 1 - 30 second Timeout, which can be used at any time
during the game.
10. In Championship games only, if a tie exists at the end of regulation time, a 5 minute running time sudden death
overtime period will be played. If a tie still exists a shoot out will be held to determine a winner.
11. In Championship games only during the 5 minute running time overtime period all play changes will take place during
play. No player changes allowed during a stoppage in play.
1. Each team will have a shooter shoot at the same time , and the team that scores while their opponent does not
score will be declared the winner.
2. If a tie still exists, then each team will chose 1 shooter each until 1 team scores and the other team does not.
3. The team that scores will be declared the winner. The original shooters can not be used until all other players on the
team have taken 1 shot.
4. Players who are serving a penalty at the end of regulation time or an overtime period are allowed to participate in the
shootout, but players who have been ejected from the game are not allowed to participate
1. There will be 2 points awarded for a win, 1 point awarded for a tie game, and 0 points for a loss. In addition points
per period will be awarded as follows : 1 point for winning a period, 1/2 point for tying a period, and 0 points for
losing a period.
2. The 1st place team will play the 2nd place team in the A Championship.
3. The 3rd place team will play the 4th place team in the B Championship.
4. Ties in the standings between 2 teams will be broken using the following method :
a. The winner of the game between the two teams tied will be ranked higher
b. Goal Percentage (Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against)
c. Team with fewest goals against
d. Coin Toss
5. Ties in the standings involving 3 or more teams will be broken using the following method
a. Goal Percentage ( Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against )
b. Team with fewest goals against
c. Coin Toss
1. There will be 2 points awarded for a win, 1 point awarded for a tie game, and 0 points for a loss. In addition points
per period will be awarded as follows : 1 point for winning a period, 1/2 point for tying a period, and 0 points for
losing a period.
2. The 1st place team will play the 2nd place team in the A Championship game.
3. The 3rd place team will play the 4th place team in the B Championship game.
4. The 5th place team will play the 6th place team in the C Championship game.
5. Ties in the standings between 2 teams will be broken using the following method :
a. The winner of the game between the two teams tied will be ranked higher
b. Goal Percentage ( Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against )
c. Team with fewest goals against
d. Coin Toss
5. Ties in the standings involving 3 or more teams will be broken using the following method
a. Goal Percentage ( Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against )
b. Team with fewest goals against
c. Coin Toss
1. There will be 2 points awarded for a win, 1 point awarded for a tie game, and 0 points for a loss. In addition points
per period will be awarded as follows : 1 point for winning a period, 1/2 point for tying a period, and 0 points for
losing a period.
2. After the first 2 round robin games the following will apply:
a. The 1st place team will play the 2nd place team in the A Championship Game.
b. The 3rd place team will play the 4th place team in the B Championship Game.
c. The 5th place team will play the 6th place team in the C Championship Game.
d. The 7th place will be eliminated
3. Ties in the standings between 2 teams will be broken using the following method :
a. The winner of the game between the two teams tied will be ranked higher
b. Goal Percentage ( Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against )
c. Team with fewest goals against
d. Coin Toss
4. Ties in the standings involving 3 or more teams will be broken using the following method
a. Goal Percentage ( Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against )
b. Team with fewest goals against
c. Coin Toss
1. There will be 2 points awarded for a win, 1 point awarded for a tie game, and 0 points for a loss. In addition points
per period will be awarded as follows : 1 point for winning a period, 1/2 point for tying a period, and 0 points for
losing a period.
2. The 1st place team will play the 2nd place team in the A Championship game.
3. The 3rd place team will play the 4th place team in the B Championship game.
4. The 5th place team will play the 6th place team in the C Championship game.
5. The 7th place team will play the 8th place team in the D Championship.
6. Ties in the standings between 2 teams will be broken using the following method :
a. The winner of the game between the two teams tied will be ranked higher
b. Goal Percentage ( Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against )
c. Team with fewest goals against
d. Coin Toss
7. Ties in the standings involving 3 or more teams will be broken using the following method
a. Goal Percentage ( Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against )
b. Team with fewest goals against
c. Coin Toss
1. There will be 2 points awarded for a win, 1 point awarded for a tie game, and 0 points for a loss. In addition points
per period will be awarded as follows : 1 point for winning a period, 1/2 point for tying a period, and 0 points for
losing a period.
2. The 1st place team will play the 2nd place team in the A Championship game.
3. The 3rd place team will play the 4th place team in the B Championship game.
4. The 5th place team will play the 6th place team in the C Championship game.
5. The 7th place team will play the 8th place team in the D Championship.
6. The 9th place team will play the 10th place team in the E Championship.
7. Ties in the standings between 2 teams will be broken using the following method :
a. The winner of the game between the two teams tied will be ranked higher
b. Goal Percentage ( Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against )
c. Team with fewest goals against
d. Coin Toss
8. Ties in the standings involving 3 or more teams will be broken using the following method
a. Goal Percentage ( Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against )
b. Team with fewest goals against
c. Coin Toss
1. There will be 2 points awarded for a win, 1 point awarded for a tie game, and 0 points for a loss. In addition points
per period will be awarded as follows : 1 point for winning a period, 1/2 point for tying a period, and 0 points for
losing a period.
2. After the first 3 round robin games the following will apply:
a. The 1st place team will play the 2nd place team in the A Championship Game
b. The 3rd place team will play the 4th place team in the B Championship Game
c. The 5th place team will play the 6th place team in the C Championship Game
d. The 7th place team will play the 8th place team in the D Championship Game
e. The 9th place team will play the 10th place team in the E Championship Game
f. The 11th place team will play the 12th place team in the F Championship Game
g. The 13th place will be eliminated
3. Ties in the standings between 2 teams will be broken using the following method :
a. The winner of the game between the two teams tied will be ranked higher
b. Goal Percentage ( Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against )
c. Team with fewest goals against
d. Coin Toss
4. Ties in the standings involving 3 or more teams will be broken using the following method
a. Goal Percentage ( Total Goals For divided by the total all Goals For and Against )
b. Team with fewest goals against
c. Coin Toss